Thursday, May 26, 2011

Resurrected Soul Part I

I've really had a hard time with all this blogging nonsense.  I most likely will not post my innermost thoughts and feelings on here, but I did come across a short story I wrote in 1994 called Resurrected Soul that I thought would be good to post.  Hopefully people will read it and be a sounding board of sorts.... So here goes the first part.  Let me know what you think.

Resurrected Soul
by Susy Smith

To the one I knew who now is gone.  I'm sorry.... 1 Cor. 15:55

     The street was a picture of rush hour.  The end of the day.  People everywhere in the city were in a heated race to get home.  The sidewalks were jammed with people running over each other trying to get where they needed to go. 
     Daniel could scarcely breathe in the midst of the swarm of bodies that seemed to carry him along as effortlessly as the ocean tide washing sea foam up to kiss the  warm sand on shore.  Suddenly he stopped.  His heart pounding like a madman on bongo drums.  People rammed into him, shoving him along.  He craned his neck back.  Yes, that was her.  A wave of heaviness enveloped him as the painful truth once again reminded him that she was gone and he was alone.
     His heart was crushed, his mind broken.  The same black cloud of heaviness clung to him wherever he  went.  He never seemed to be able to shake it, to come out from under it's grave influence.  Just when he thought it was gone, it came back to darken his day.  He continued walking down the crowded street, head down.  His mind kept playing the same mantra over and over....
     "You are nothing.  What will you ever amount to?  Nobody cares about you.  You idiot!  This life has played a cruel joke on you.  Don't you hear it's laughter?  You might as well be dead.  Might as well be dead.  As well be dead. Be dead. Dead."
     Daniel wanted to scream.  To protest that he was something.  But without her he was nothing.  He felt dead.  Tears began to fall unheeded down his cheeks.  His mind wandered to his earlier years when things were better......

(I'll post more later........)


  1. where is the "like" button! LOL! I really like that, can't wait for the rest :-)

  2. ok?? I'm ready for more now???LOL I'm hanging on here..;))) This is really good stuff..
