Friday, May 27, 2011

Resurrected Soul Part IV

     "What's going on?" He said aloud, jumping at the sound of his own voice.
     "You're dead."  A voice answered behind him. 
     Daniel wheeled around to face his father.  Dead since he was a small boy, Daniel only recognized him from pictures that hung on the walls of his home as a child.
     "Dad?" He questioned timidly.
     "Yes."  The father answered, a sadness dominating his whole being.  "You must come with me."
     "Where?"  Fear gipped Daniel's heart at the look of complete hopelessness on his father's face.
     "To a place of no escape."  A tear fell silently down his father's weathered, sunburned cheek.
     Suddenly, two beings appeared on each side of Daniel.  They had deep set smouldering red eyes, and their bodies were black, scaly and, Daniel realized, terrifying. 
     "No!"  Daniel screamed.  "Where are you taking me?"  He foolishly tried to fight the two dark angels, but they easily chained his soul to theirs and drug him below, his father trailing silently behind.
     The journey was short, and Daniel was soon standing in the midst of a swarm of souls, some moaning, others screaming in pain.  He took in his new surroundings, wondering where the intense heat was coming from.  It was getting uncomfortably warm where he was standing, but there didn't seem to be anywhere he could go.  He surveyed the large cavelike holding he was in.  The walls were made of molten lava and the walls glowed a firey red.  He reached out to touch the side and felt the overwhelming heat radiating from the walls in giant tidal waves.  He shuddered in fear, though the beings that had brought him to this place had disappeared.  Daniel looked on and discovered a mass of people in the center of their holding place, looking up.  Their reactions varied.  Some were tormented, others raged madly, still others sobbed, unconsolable.
     Daniel's father answered his unasked question.  "That is the Looking Place.  There is a hole in the center of this cave where you can look and see what is going on the the world, each one sees his own home.  Then, you can look past that and see The One."
     "Who?"  Who was The One his father just spoke of with a sense of awe in his voice.  "Who is this One and exactly where am I?" Daniel asked impatiently.
     "You still don't know?"   His father asked incredulous.  "This is Hell, boy.  You only thought you experienced it above.  This,"  his father swung his arms frenetically around him, "is inescapable.  No killing yourself this time.  You're here for good."
     The finality of his father's words fell like a stone and crushed his soul.  He looked around, abhorring what he had done to himself and the place he was in. 
     "What about The One you mentioned, who is He and can He help me?"  Hope raised it's head, but  for a second.
     "Help you?  You had all the help you needed above and you rejected it.  The One I speak of is Jesus Christ.  He is the Savior to all who accept Him.  He is the way of escape from this eternal fire, but your chance is gone.  Just like mine.  You have to accept him above.   He is the Hope for everyone above.  He bore their sin and shame on a cross.  He died that they might live."
     A hopelessness washed over Daniel like he had never experienced before.  He moaned in the sheer agony of defeat.
     The sound of his moan grew louder and louder in his ears, then, his mother's voice captured his attention.
     "Daniel, Daniel!"  His mother's voice was faint, but sounded so very real.  He felt her warm caring hands move over his face.  "Oh Daniel, thank God!  Hang on!"  His mother frantically buzzed the nurse.
     Daniel grasped his mothers hand.  "Not dead?"  He whispered.
     His mother gave a strangled laugh as tears of joy fell down her face.
     "No, thanks to a complete stranger."  His mother blew her nose.  "I will tell you the story when you're better."
     "Thank you, Jesus."  Daniel whispered.  "Thank you for a second chance."
     His mother looked strangely at him and he explained, "Mom, my soul has been resurrected!  I've been given a second chance by The One who will never fail me."

Okay, that's it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in tears Susy.. O My gosh!! I love this story. I want to share it with everyone!! God had really blessed you with an amazing gift.
